Hello lovelies,

I’ve recovered from the YAG eyeball zapping and I’m now prepping for cataract surgery in my other eye next year. So, to cheer us up before that, I’ve got some good news. I wrote a Millcastle Christmas novella! It’s called Mr. Totton’s Christmas Miracle.

If you’ve ever wondered what I look and sound like I recently did an interview on Castaway Books, with Deborah Klee, where I got to pick five books I’d take to a desert island and one luxury item. It was great fun to do and I hope you all enjoy it.

As you know it’s my 20th anniversary of being a published author in 2025 and I’ll be attending a couple of readers events if anyone wants to see me in person.

In the USA I’ll be in Las Vegas at the Booklovers Convention May 15-17 at the Paris Hotel.

In the UK I’ll be in Stranraer for Authors Invade Scotland August 22-23 at the North West Castle Hotel.

Wishing you all a very happy Holiday season and a great start to 2025,


Once a Seal

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